The Novel Craft Blog

When to Use Sentence Fragments in Fiction

Welcome to the first post in How to Break Grammar Rules in Fiction, my regular segment that explains why grammar rules exist so you can know how to break them like an artist. On the chopping block this week: sentence fragments.

How Editors Set Their Rates

Professional editing is an important investment for the future of your book. It can also be a big investment, and a lot of authors are surprised by how much editing ends up costing. I’ll clear the waters here so you can know what professional editing costs, how...

Which Editing Service Is Best for My Current Writing Stage?

Every time I get a new editing inquiry from an interested author, one of the first things I do is make sure that my services are a right fit for the author’s writing and publishing stage. There are so many different editing services and different names for each...

The Controversial Comma: A Guide to Navigating the Oxford Comma

You may be surprized to learn that there is a piece of punctuation that people get really up-in-arms about. It’s called the Oxford comma, or the serial comma, and there are a lot of people who are very passionate about using it. I used to be one of those people,...

How Grammar Checkers Still Make Mistakes

I recently read a tweet from a writer who was thrown into a state of self-doubt because she disagreed with something her grammar checker identified as wrong. As a language nerd (commonly known as a copy editor), I love it when proofreading software keeps me from...

Engaging Writing Exercises for a Group Setting

Group writing exercises can help get us writers out of our own heads and bring our creative energy into a social situation, which I think we all need sometimes (even introverts like me). So, here are some writing exercises I learned from the Thin Air writers’...

Review of Dan Brown’s MasterClass

At the end of this MasterClass, I am going to admit something to you that I have never admitted to anyone on Earth. I’m also going to show you an artifact that nobody except me has ever seen. And that is your first lesson in suspense. Dan Brown, MasterClass Chapter...

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